A music box (?) - April

24 Apr 2021

So this project (The Aarav Syngth Experience) started out as less of a vision of a synthesizer or a particular type of musical instrument, and more as an avenue to spend some time with my bud Mischa. He's good at electronics and he doesn't let the trees blind him for the forest, which means he's a good partner to have around when I want to get stuff done. He's also got a bunch of tools that I borrowed liberally while I was in town with him, and that pile of resources combined to make starting this project a reality.

Since then (I'm writing this in June of 2021), the vision has shifted and morphed quite a few times. I expect that to happen quite a few more as I continue to learn about music theory, dsp, electronics, synth design, and the intersection of all of em inside the machine(s) I'm making. Here was one of the first sketches of the idea in an iteration that looks anything like it does today, drawn up on March 25th.

Synthy Sketch

In April I did a lot of research and ideation, and I may publish more of my notes at some point. But for now, I'll just include some pictures of what we actually accomplished in April. Mischa took my sketch and printed it into reality.

Synthy Print

After that, we met up to try to actually get components working

Synthy Meetup

eventually getting a breadboarded encoder,

Synthy Encoder


Synthy Screen

and adc (analog-to-digital converter) to work.

Synthy ADC

April was our first venture into this project and our first hands-on time with this sorta hardware for this project. A very exciting time for our work, and a whirlwind of obsolete time spent (given the 1 or 2 months of bonus insight I now have). Keep up with the may and june updates to see how the project (ASE v0) continues to shape into a more fleshed out instrument project!