15 Jan 2021
My site (and interests) largely focus on musical artistry and engineering, but I also enjoy creating physical pieces of art when I get the chance. Although I've tried to improve my sketching and drawing over the years, the work I'm proud of tends to be more three dimensional; I like building stuff!
I made a couple pieces of art focused on Seattle a few years ago for a couple friends moving out there. One's a map of the city while the other's a skyline view, both made using wood, brads (tiny nails), and yarn.
I also made a similar wood block using a guitar string instead of yarn (and this time properly finishing the wood lol) this past winter.
Here are a couple bonus pics of me in front of the art and a couple trees me and my friend Christy worked on
And here are some progress pics of making the map of seattle
the skyline
and the fox block
2 Mar 2020
This post is dated back to March 2020 but, full disclosure, this is being written in July 2021 with a whole year and three months of extra reflection and wisdom.
My friend Trevor's kids shared some of their matchbox cars with me, so I figured I'd take some shots of them and send em back. Most of these were taken around January 2020, and I didn't think too much of it at the time, but the most recent picture (the only one not taken in my old apartment) is the last picture I've got from my old office.
I stopped working at Microsoft late in the winter of 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and the height of working from home, but my last day in the office was March 2nd, 2020. I didn't expect to never return - I'm pretty sure I took the picture because I wasn't sure whether or not to take my plants home to water (I didn't take them home; I can only assume they've moved on to a better place. sorry plants).
Having left the job and the Seattle area, the picture is a nice reminder of an era passed by. The pandemic and my experiences through it have shaped my ideology and perspective significantly; I'll never be quite the same person I was taking these pictures, and it's a bit wistful feeling the lack of resolution characteristic of the last year.
Many things have changed and I've left many of my old thoughts and feelings abandoned in 2020. Nature is a state of continuous motion and change, time flows only towards increasing entropy. Mankind always sets itself only such tasks as it can solve; may we work diligently on the tasks ahead.
bonus pic of a car watching cars lol